
Working with a driver coach is a vital part of every drivers career. As a driver, I have worked with some of the best coaches in the business such as Rob Wilson and Marc Hynes. Using techniques learned through my own racing experiences and working with my own coaches, I have helped many drivers to gain speed and consistency on track. I am also proficient in all forms of Video and Data analysis, vital tools to find those final tenths.


Simulator Coaching

Don't let lack of track time hamper your progress.

Gain seat time in state-of-the-art simulator.

Extensive post session report to explain weak points and point out areas to improve.

Remote Coaching

Detailed track guide prior to the event.

Post-event data and onboard video analysis.

Extensive post event report to explain weak points and point out areas to improve.

Trackside Coaching

Detailed track guide prior to the event.

Work on improvement methodically and produce real results.

Debrief after each session.

Data and video analysis after each session.

Improve car setup to extract maximum performance.

Extensive post event report to explain weak points and point out areas to improve.


Contact me for more information on coaching packages